Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Openness in Education - An Open Course!

Wow - suddenly it's 2012 (OK, only just!) and I'm back to this blog I ceased writing almost exactly two years ago. Why did I stop writing? I didn't lose my interest in internet and education but I did get very busy with new jobs and that sort of thing. I was also writing another blog on another topic and that ate into my time. (Maybe more of that later...)
Question 2 - Why start writing again now? Well. I noticed this interesting open course led by David Wiley on "All Things Open". Go take a look at the contents if you doubt me.
I've been interested in Creative Commons and Open Educational Resources for a long time but there are other areas there I haven't delved into. So, I hope for new knowledge in the areas I'm not so familiar with and new insights into areas I am familiar with.
Right now I've watched the first video used on the course - Lawrence Lessig talking about Republican (right wing) support for sharing and re-use and by extension Creative Commons. Now that was a new insight for me!
Well, that has got me started and I already have an idea for my second posting but here in Sweden it's the middle of the night so that is for another day. I'll finish with a superfluous picture of myself mostly because I love photography and I feel every blog posting needs an illustration!

Thank you David Wiley and participants for returning me to the blogosphere!

Creative Commons License
Openness in Education - An Open Course by Keith Bryant is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

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